
Free Rust 🦀 course in English 🇬🇧

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While loops🔁

What is a while loop❓

While loop are used to execute a block of code as long as a condition is true.

The while keyword🔁

The while keyword is used to create a while loop.


let mut cats = 0;

while count < 5 {
    println!("There are {} cats 🐈", count);

    // Increment `count`
    count += 1;

While cats is less than 5, we will print the value of cats on a new line, and then increment cats by 1.


There are 0 cats 🐈
There are 1 cats 🐈
There are 2 cats 🐈
There are 3 cats 🐈
There are 4 cats 🐈

The break and continue keywords🔑

We can also use the break and continue keywords as seen in the Infinite Loop ♾️ Section.

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Course created by SkwalExe and inspired by Dcode